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Integrating Automation Into Oil and Gas Construction


Bunch has looked inwards and determined that innovation is lowest hanging fruit within Alberta’s energy sector to bring costs down on a sustainable basis.  Automation is a solution that will keep Canada competitive by providing clients with high quality products, that are safer to make, and that will remain cost effective on a sustainable go-forward basis regardless of labour market tightness.

We were seeing increased competition from China and South Korea for fabrication in Canada and realized that automation would make Canadian companies stronger in a competitive market and allow our clients to achieve their goals at a more competitive rate. Bunch believe that through automation we can maximize output and quality and minimize cost all while keeping jobs here in Canada. Bunch has successfully incorporated automation into our plant/facility construction process and is considered a leader in oilfield construction.

Structural Fabrication Automation

The key item Bunch invested in was a Peddinghaus Automated Beamline. The Bunch beamline consists of three main components along with cross transfers to move material to and from. Structural components including I beams, square beams, angle iron etc. can all be processed using the beamline in MINUTES versus what used to take HOURS to complete.

Peddi Writer

The first main component in our Beamline is a Peddinhaus Peddi Writer. Each structural component enters the Peddi Writer from cross-transfers that sits directly below an overhead crane. The Peddi Writer can mark on two independent surfaces independently.

“Marks components for assembly”

This is quite useful for modules, and landing packages as it labels the independent parts for assembly right from the drawing package removing any opportunity for error and expediting the assembly process. The Peddi Writer eliminates the time required for a layout team to mark out each profile and instead does this automatically.

The Peddi Writer streamlines the layout of any welded connection including:

  • Web Stiffeners;
  • Welded Splice Plates;
  • Base Plates;
  • Gusset Plates;
  • Shear Tabs;
  • Cap Plates;
  • Flexible End Plates;
  • Welded Angle Seats;
  • Welded Beams to Columns;
  • Haunched Beam End Plates;
  • Welded Flange Plates;
  • Etc.


Peddinghaus Miter Saw

The structural component is then fed on the cross transfers to the miter saw for cutting. Each component is cut to its required length based on the drawing. The miter saw is very large allowing it to cut through any size of beam in seconds.

Common structural fabrication part production includes:

  • Floor Beams;
  • Columns;
  • Joist Components;
  • Truss Components;
  • Girder Components;
  • Beam Girder Processing;
  • Composite Beam Components;
  • Purlins.

Common structural projects:

  • Industrial Pipe Racks;
  • Power Plants;
  • Schools;
  • Apartment Complexes;
  • Office Buildings;
  • Strip Malls;
  • High Rise Components.

Common manufacturing applications include:

  • Wind Tower Component Production;
  • Sign Structure Components;
  • Conveyor Manufacturing;
  • Mining Equipment;
  • Earth Moving Equipment;
  • Transformers;
  • Trailer Manufacturing;
  • Stone Crushing Equipment;
  • Solar Panel Fabrication.


DG Advantage Drill Line

The structural component is then roller fed into the third piece of the beamline which is the PCD -1100/3b Advantage Drill Line. The drill line houses a three spindle drill that can drill three holes independently at the same time significantly reducing drill time and eliminating error. Each hole is drilled within a millimeter of design and utilizes high speed drilling. The Advantage drill line is capable of drilling all structural profiles.

CNC Plasma Table (24’ X 10’)

The Bunch CNC Plasma table is massive measuring 24 feet by 10 feet and is capable of cutting through 2.5 inch steel plate and piercing up to 2 inch. The size of the plasma table is significant in that multiple sheets can be placed on the table at one time optimizing cutting. Our machine is classed as an “Industrial High Definition Class Machine” meaning it is a workhorse regarding plasma cutting and utilizes all of the leading components.



Pipe Spool Automation and Mechanization

Pipe Positioners

Bunch utilizes automated pipe positioners to optimize welding output. The positioners allow for each component to be fixed to a specific position and rotated at a controlled rate. Automatically controlling the weld rate increases the welders ability to accurately match the required travel speed specific to each weld procedure.

Submerged Arc Welding

Bunch is able to maximize welding output through our use of Submerged Arc Welding for fabrication of pipe spools measuring 10″ and larger.


  • Lends itself to the production of consistently high quality welds with minimum operator skills;
  • Minimum of welding fume and of arc visibility (radiation);
  • Well suited to welding thick sections;
  • Suitable for welding carbon, low alloy and alloy steels;
  • Relatively high metal deposition rates.

Flux Core Welding

  • Versatility – suitable for a variety of positions and applications;
  • Capable of relatively high deposition rates;
  • Enables “one process” operation for individual projects – simplifies training, supervision and logistics.

For more information regarding our automation or would like to book a tour at our facility in Rocky Mountain House please contact us at [email protected] or by phone 403.729.3335.

Bunch Projects, Automation, Peddi Writer, Robotics, Gas Plant Construction, Deep Cut Gas Plant Construction, Welding, Fabrication, Quality, Pipeline Construction, Battery Construction, Treater Construction, Steel Frame, Structural Fabrication
Automation Peddinghaus Peddi Writer, Bunch Projects, Facility Construction, gas Plant Construction, Structural Construction, layout design,
Bunch Projects, Automation, Peddi Writer, Robotics, Gas Plant Construction, Deep Cut Gas Plant Construction, Welding, Fabrication, Quality, Pipeline Construction, Battery Construction, Treater Construction, Steel Frame, Structural Fabrication