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Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility

The Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility is located in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta and services oil and gas construction throughout Western Canada. The Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility consists of 13 buildings onsite including,

  • two structural fabrication shops;
  • two piping fabrication shops;
  • one coating shop;
  • one sandblasting shop ( for modules);
  • two climate controlled material storage tents;
  • two mechanic buildings;
  • three office buildings;
  • Total 80,000 sq.ft.

Thirteen overhead bridge cranes connect our buildings and are enclosed within our buildings to increase the efficiency of moving modules / modular spools and/or structural.

Due to our current economy Bunch has focused our attention to assisting our clients on saving costs wherever possible including investing in robotic beamlines (process beams (i.e markups, holes and saw) in less than 10 minutes vs. hours before), robotic plasma tables (24’ X 10’), and newer welding technologies (Submerged Arc for 10” and up, and Modified Short Circuit GMAW for smaller diameter pipe) significantly saving on welding costs. Please see “Automation” under “About” for more information regarding our automation.

The Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility is also capable of sandblasting and coating with over 6000 sq. ft. of facilities dedicated to sandblasting and coating.

The Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility total potential yard size is 170 acres with 60 acres being currently developed. Having 60 acres developed provides us an advantage of executing multiple pre-fabrication projects at our facility with efficiency. Our Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility output is over 50,000 weld inches per month. Oil and gas construction projects we typically complete at our Clearwater Fabrication Facility include;

Conventional Gas Construction

  • Gas Plants Construction (Deep Cut / Shallow Cut);
  • Plant Facilities Construction;
  • Cogeneration Plant Construction;
  • Compressors Installation;
  • Separators Installation;
  • Dehydration Unit Installation;
  • Well sites Construction;
  • Well Site Equipment Construction and Installation;
  • Line heaters;
  • Meter stations and skids;
  • Vessel Fabrication and Repair;
  • Package Construction;
  • Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
  • Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
  • Structural Fabrication and Installation.

Conventional Oilfield Construction

  • Rail Terminals;
  • Battery Construction;
  • Pipe Spool Construction and Installation;
  • Pipe Module Construction and Installation;
  • Structural Fabrication and Installation;
  • Oil Batteries;
  • Oil Treaters.

Oil Sands Construction

  • Thermal Plants (SAGD) Construction;
  • Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
  • Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
  • Thin Fine Tailings Barges Construction and Installation;
  • Tailings Barges Construction and Installation;
  • Structural Fabrication and Installation.

Power Plant Construction 

  • Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
  • Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
  • Structural Fabrication and Installation.

For more information regarding the Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility regarding oilfield construction of facilities, modules, structural and vessel repair please feel free to contact us at



Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility Pipeline Vessels Construction