Building Oil and Gas Facilities since 1981
Bunch Projects has extensive experience and is considered a leader in oil and gas facility construction in Western Canada.
Conventional Gas Construction
- Gas Plants Construction (Deep Cut / Shallow Cut);
- Plant Facilities Construction;
- Cogeneration Plant Construction;
- Compressors Installation;
- Separators Installation;
- Dehydration Unit Installation;
- Well sites Construction;
- Well Site Equipment Construction and Installation;
- Line heaters;
- Meter stations and skids;
- Vessel Fabrication and Repair;
- Package Construction;
- Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
- Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
- Structural Fabrication and Installation.
Conventional Oilfield Construction
- Rail Terminals;
- Battery Construction;
- Pipe Spool Construction and Installation;
- Pipe Module Construction and Installation;
- Structural Fabrication and Installation;
- Oil Batteries;
- Oil Treaters
Oil Sands Construction
- Thermal Plants (SAGD) Construction;
- Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
- Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
- Thin Fine Tailings Barges Construction and Installation;
- Tailings Barges Construction and Installation;
- Structural Fabrication and Installation.
Power Plant Construction
- Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation;
- Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation;
- Structural Fabrication and Installation.
Life Cycle Support
Bunch provides infrastructure life-cycle support in the form of general maintenance, turnarounds, pipeline integrity digs, and reclamation services.
Bunch specializes in the prefabrication of pipe modules, modular pipe spools and structural at our Clearwater Fabrication Facility. Pre-fabrication of oil and gas construction piping and structural components decreases cost to our clients by reducing travel and per diem that is normally required for most field projects. Also, by maximizing the quantity of roll welds versus position welds Bunch reduces the total amount of weld time by implementing mechanized welding machines.
Our Bunch Clearwater Fabrication Facility also houses a robotic beam line for all types of structural components. For more information on the Bunch Robotic Beam Line please see “Automation” under “About.” For more information.
Material Fabrication
Proven track record in welding pressure piping made from materials such as Carbon Steel (e.g. A106 and A333), Austenitic Stainless Steels (e.g. 304 and 316), and Duplex Stainless Steel. In addition we have experience and equipment to fuse High Density PolyEthylene (HDPE) up to 22”, and have worked extensively installing composites such as FlexSteel and FlexPipe.
Bunch carries all necessary certifications in Alberta, British Colombia and Saskatchewan to fabricate, repair and install high pressure piping and vessels for a host of fluid streams.
- Bunch currently has over 41 weld procedures for pressure piping that encompasses most types of pipe material required in Western Canada
Unique Field Fabrication Expertise
- Construct, Repair, Alter, and/or Install Piping
- ASME B31.1 (Power Piping and Boiler External Piping)
- ASME B31.3 (Process Piping)
- ASME B31.5 (Refrigeration Piping)
- CSA Z662 (Pipelines)
- Repair, Alter, and/or Install Pressure Vessels to ASME Section Vlll-1
- Storage Tank Fabrication and Repairs to API 650 and API 653 respectively
- Structural Steel in Accordance with CSA W47.1
Unique Shop Fabrication Expertise
- Construct Pressure Vessels to ASME Section Vlll-1
- Construct, Repair/Alter ASME B31.3 Indirect Fired Heater Coils (e.g. line heaters)
- Manufacture, Repair/Alter Category ‘A’, ‘E’ & ‘H’ Fittings to CSA B51
- Construct, Repair/Alter Piping
- ASME B31.1 (Power Piping and Boiler External Piping)
- ASME B31.3 (Process Piping)
- ASME B31.5 (Refrigeration Piping)
- CSA Z662 (Pipelines)
- Structural Steel in Accordance with CSA W47.1
- Custom Process Skids
For more information on how Bunch can assist in any aspect of facility construction please contact us at or by phone at 403.729.3335.